Good is Not Nice: Zig-zagged if you agree that Redbeard and Avadon are doing the right thing.Global Currency: All the nations of the Pact use the same currency, which is simply called "gold".(And yes, that's pretty much how he phrases it.) Earn enough points, and he'll eventually flee, leaving his flunkies to die. Flunky Boss: Zhossa Mindtaker never attacks you directly during his first fight, instead calling it a "game"-you earn a point every time you drop a flunky's HP to 1 and force him to heal it, he'll earn a point if his flunkies kill you and he devours your corpse.Shamans are something else entirely, but the lore would have it that they're quite rare (not that this stops you from playing as one.) Fighter, Mage, Thief: The standard varieties of Hand.If he's in your party when you're in Goldcrag and you try talking to a Holklandan mage in the inn, she'll refuse to speak to you due to your relationship with "the Banished One". You can press anybody about any random mark that catches the PC's eye to the point of embarrassment.
#Avadon the black fortress zephyrine Pc#
Every Scar Has a Story: The PC believes this, at least.Mustering the action economy to shut down the proliferation of enemies is key in this fight. The large swarms of bats he summons are bad enough, but he also summons drakes, which are themselves capable of summoning more monsters. Enemy Summoner: The ogre chief in the third game.Dark Fantasy: In terms of background and overall story arc, though it's got too much of a sense of humor to fully fit the category.Damage-Sponge Boss: Redbeard in the Rebel ending, to the point that many players have criticized it.Cutting Off the Branches: The Corruption assumes you sided with Redbeard and killed Heart Miranda in The Black Fortress.Convection Shmonvection: Lava is simply impassable terrain, and won't harm you if you get near to it.She constantly talks about being "on the hunt" and sees most of the boss enemies as worthy foes. And then there's what happens if you side with Heart Miranda at the end. Beware the Nice Ones: Redbeard is shown to be a jovial sort, but if you tell him of Lord Deathskull's offer of an alliance, he'll get quite pissed at you for "wasting his time".He's downright friendly when he's not sanctioning systematic Mind Rape of prisoners or devising a Fate Worse than Death to Make an Example of Them. Affably Evil: If you consider Redbeard's laundry list of horrific human rights abuses unjustifiable.Achey Scars: It is strongly implied that Nathalie's arm will never fully heal, as the wound was cursed.Absurdly Low Level Cap: The game has a pretty low level cap (30), which you'll likely reach about 80% of the way through the game if you've been keeping up on sidequests.

The third and final part, Avadon 3: The Warborn, was released on 14th of September, 2016.

The second part, Avadon 2: The Corruption, was released on October 30th, 2013. The first part, Avadon: The Black Fortress, was released on August 17th, 2011. Unless, of course, you decide to join them.Īvadon is a roleplaying game from Spiderweb Software, and serves as a Spiritual Successor to Avernum-with a bit of tone and themes from Geneforge, and some clear admiration for Dragon Age: Origins. It's up to you to defeat the enemies of the Pact.
#Avadon the black fortress zephyrine series#
You and four other Hands will be sent to fight against a series of seemingly unrelated threats, and to uncover the hidden connection between them. You are a freshly recruited Hand of Avadon, somewhere between a warrior and an assassin. It is both feared and respected, and those who resent it do so quietly. To serve it is an honor, and to face its justice is a terror. After a long and brutal conflict, five nations renewed their pact of mutual protection against the many threats surrounding them, and created the fortress of Avadon as a neutral party to enforce it, with more power than any individual country.